Who we are

The UUHF was formed in 2007 when a few history enthusiasts from the Ards peninsula met and decided to form a history forum to advance their knowledge. Their main focus was on military history and this remains as the main thrust of the group.

What we Do

The members both as a group and individually, collect artifacts and memorabilia from the past. This includes items from both world wars and includes past conflicts such as the Boer war and United Irishmen.

Where to find us

The forum regularly holds displays and exhibitions in towns and villages to which members of the public and local schools are invited. Here, adults and children can learn stories of their forefathers who had to fight for their country and many of whom lost their lives.

Why we meet

Our aim is to enlighten members of the community about the lives and times of the people who took part in the wars of the past. We show what life was like for them through the display of photographs, letters and other memorabilia.

Get involved

New members are always welcome, please register your interest using the contact information provided.

All aspects of the forces are represented; Army, Air force, Royal navy, Merchant navy and civil defence. If you feel you have some items that may be of interest to the group don't hesitate to get in touch.

Newsletter Signup

If you would like to receive more information regarding the activities of the United Ulster History Forum, please supply us with your email address.

We will NOT share your contact information with anyone else.